
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Exams are over!

Thank God, exams are finally over, now time to party, and have a good time.  The summer (hopefully with sunshine and no more rain) will be here for all of us to enjoy those nice BBQ’s that turn into late night early morning (till the next day) parties, shopping days, chilling with family and friends back home and getting on with work or our daily schedule.  No more studying for exams because the good news is it is all over for now.  One more year left to look forward to then that will be the end.  I can’t believe where the time has gone.  It feels like only yesterday I was back in Secondary school year 9 listening to those lessons.

I miss those times but I am more excited about the future and where my life is going. 

After doing all the five exams, I have evaluated how each of them went.  The exams overall were not bad apart from my practical.  That was an absolute disaster.  The worst exam I have ever experienced in my life!!!  I had such bad luck the day of my practical exam.  I even had to pray to God for the computer I was working at to work properly.  After a quick prayer, it started to work normally but then half way through the exam it was playing up again.  That was my biggest problem.  However, I finally got through it.  I don’t want to happen to anyone or for anyone to experience that plus I would not want that to happen to me again.  That was horrible.

Well I am so happy the exams are over and I can continue with my life without concentrating on those past modules. Thank God.